Like a Modern Art Emperor, JeFfOrd CurRé leads a
New World Of Box Office Excitement, with an awesome sense of style,
cool diplomacy and rugged professionalism.

jeFfOrd CurRé

NEW WORLD OF BOX  OFFICE EXCITEMENT is a  Beverly Hills based social lifestyle culture that impacts like an international youth empowerment organization. It’s a part of a growing movement of young professionals, seeking meaningful relationships as they reexamine, love, marriage, sex, politics and religion. NEW WORLD OF BOX OFFICE EXCITEMENT  connects a worldwide tribe of really cool people who want the same thing, a lifestyle of abundance, slightly radical love and a wildly advancing culture, not afraid to be free from drugs, alcohol and profanity. Through entertainment, arts and science jeFfOrd CurRé is improving the quality of life in work, play, business and relationships.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this content, site, channel or programs are not necessarily the views and opinions of Jefford Curre, New World Of Box Office Excitement Inc. its creators, staff, operators, owners, assignees, shareholders, partners, clients, directors, agents, representatives, fans and supporters. No part of this content is an advice, recommendation or endorsement. Information obtained from this content is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be the bases of any decision. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Do not sell this content.  Unauthorized use, alterations, duplications, transmissions, sharing, or inclusion of this content in whole or in part for any reason is prohibited. Get permission, write to  Press Division, New World Of Box Office Excitement Inc. 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills California 90210.. We do not accept unsolicited mail, we are not a talent agency or casting company. Unsolicited packages will be discarded.  Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy the celebrations.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED – Jefford Curré  2022